- farm truck
- грузовой автомобиль для сельскохозяйственных грузов
English-russian automobile dictionary. 2013.
English-russian automobile dictionary. 2013.
truck farm — ➔ farm1 * * * truck farm UK US noun [C] US (UK market garden) ► a small farm that produces fruit and vegetables and sells them in the local area: »He helped with running the family s three acre truck farm … Financial and business terms
truck farm — noun a farm where vegetables are grown for market • Syn: ↑truck garden • Hypernyms: ↑farm * * * noun : a farm devoted to the production of vegetables for the market * * * truck farmer … Useful english dictionary
farm — ▪ I. farm farm 1 [fɑːm ǁ fɑːrm] noun [countable] 1. FARMING an area of land, used for growing crops or keeping animals as a business: • a 3000 hectare maize farm • Farm exports account for 70% of New Zealand s exports. • a … Financial and business terms
truck farmer — noun : one that operates a truck farm * * * truck farmer or truck gardener, a person who operates a truck farm. * * * truck farmer noun, pl ⋯ ers [count] • • • Main Entry: ↑truck farm * * * ˈtruck farmer ; … Useful english dictionary
truck farming — noun growing vegetables for the market • Hypernyms: ↑farming, ↑agriculture, ↑husbandry * * * noun : the production of crops of some vegetables on an extensive scale in regions especially suited to their culture primarily for shipment to distant… … Useful english dictionary
truck farm — truck′ farm n. agr. brit. a farm for the growing of vegetables for the market • Etymology: 1865–70, amer. truck′ farm er, n. truck′ farm ing, n … From formal English to slang
truck farm — ☆ truck farm n. a farm where vegetables are grown to be marketed truck farmer n. truck farming n … English World dictionary
Truck farming — is the cultivation of one or a few fruit or vegetable crops on a relatively large scale for transport to distant markets where the crop cannot be grown due to climate. This is contrasted to market gardening, where a variety of crops are grown on… … Wikipedia
Truck (disambiguation) — Truck may mean:Vehicles Transport* Truck * Pickup truck * Light truck * Forklift truck * Freight truck, a type of train carriage * Railroad truck, also known as a bogie * Hand truck, also a sack truck in the United Kingdom * Skateboard truck *… … Wikipedia
truck farm — truck farmer. truck farming. a farm for the growing of vegetables for the market. Also called truck garden; esp. Brit., market garden. [1865 70, Amer.] * * * … Universalium
truck farm — n [Date: 1800 1900; Origin: truck to barter ; TRUCK13] AmE an area for growing vegetables and fruit for sale British Equivalent: market garden … Dictionary of contemporary English